An Infographic: Why Should Your Company Invest in an LMS?


The e-Learning industry has grown rapidly since the pandemic, prompting organisations to invest more in innovative learning solutions. Progress in this field may not have been possible without the help of Learning Management Systems. 

Learning Management Systems (LMS) are software applications that assist in the creation, distribution, and management of courses and learning programmes. ​​They’re most prevalent in educational institutions, but they can also be effective for businesses conducting employee training. Nonetheless, some businesses remain hesitant to implement this learning strategy, unsure of how and why using an LMS might result in effective employee training.

If you’re one of them and are wondering why an LMS may be beneficial to your company, don’t worry because we’ve got you covered! Take a look at the infographic below to discover why you should invest in learning management systems.


Undoubtedly, investing in learning management systems can be worthwhile. They provide valuable training support for your employees, making learning easier and more efficient. Hopefully, the infographic we presented may pique your company’s interest in learning management systems, leading to a decision to invest in them.

Interested to learn more about learning management systems? We at SSA Innovations can provide you with an on-demand learning experience that can help your workforce train more efficiently and effectively. We offer various digital solutions, like our SSAVANT! SSAVANT is a simple but powerful learning management system designed to cater to your training and learning needs. If your company hasn’t yet adopted an LMS, contact us today to schedule a demo! 


Back to School: The Top LMS Statistics Impacting Education. (2020). Capterra. 2022. 76 Essential LMS & eLearning Statistics: 2021/2022 Market Share & Data Analysis – [online] Available at: <>.

Koksal, I., 2022. The Rise Of Online Learning. [online] Forbes. Available at: <>

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